No, we’re not talking about the FTC Safeguards Rule here. It’s much more than that. Have you...
Charles Gardner
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You Talkin’ To Me? Many Professionals Now Fall under the FTC Safeguards Rule, and They Don’t Even Know It
We know, we know . . . you’re not a bank. But here’s the thing. If you’re one of the many...
Veteran’s Day Appreciation
Here at Sterling Ideas, we talk a lot about technology. We talk a lot about Tampa, business and...
NCAM: Cybersecurity Essentials Overview
So far this month, Sterling and Todd covered the very basics of cybersecurity, and that’s a great...
Protective Measures Against Ransomware (Part I)
Over the last few weeks, we’ve talked about ransomware: what it is, how attackers get in your...
How Does Ransomware Enter your System?
Let’s take a look at the first step in ransomware attacks: how ransomware enters your system....
I’m sure you’ve heard the term “firewall” over and over. You’ve probably heard your IT guy refer...
Interview, re: Cloud vs Local
Q: If a client asks you which is better—cloud or local servers—how do you respond? Would your...
How do Cloud and Local Servers Fit in Small Business Systems?
Now that we understand servers and the cloud, how do we apply that information to your small...
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